Where can I order Hoffman Richter products?
Hoffman Richter is dedicated to protecting the brand from mass retail and untrustworthy stores. Therefore, we currently only distribute products through our carefully vetted, trusted retailers. Hoffman Richter does not sell direct to consumers at this time. To purchase Hoffman Richter products, please visit our trusted retailers directly.
How do I become a retailer of Hoffman Richter Products?
To be considered as Hoffman Richter Retailer, please fill out this form to apply to become a retail of Hoffman Richter Products.
How do I get in contact with a representative of Hoffman Richter?
Simply write to support[at]hoffmanrichter[dot]com and a representative will get back with you within 2 business days.
Who are Hoffman Richter’s trusted retailers?
Our trusted retailers are:
Survival Life (survivallife.com)
American Gun Association (gunassociation.org)
Amazon.com (amazon.com)
Where is my Hoffman Richter product that I ordered?
We at Hoffman Richter do not sell direct to consumers at this time. If you have ordered Hoffman Richter Products through our trusted retailers, please contact them directly. They will be sure to help you out in a timely manner.